Friday, April 30, 2010

" Bosh or no Bosh "

Here we go Chris Bosh "CB4" should he stay or should he go? that is the question. My answer "YES". Dont get me wrong Bosh is SiKK but he's not for the Raps. My reason is simply this, look at what he's wearing!! HaaHaha, honestly he doesnt fit what Colangelo is obviously trying to do. Colangelo has been proven to bring in uptempo minded players, players who like to push n push, guys who are capable to run the floor n make quick baskets ex. nash, marion, bargnani, jack,weems, derozan n some may disagree but turk who is capable but was a huge flop this season. Those are some of his recent/past acquisitions, Bosh is just a solid half court player. Set Bosh in the post n almost nobody in the league can hold him. With that said who could we get if we could get them? My suggestion is Rudy Gay!! he can and wants to run run run n Jack who was a great pick up, will be the new starting PG next year can and will push the tempo. Gay is probably the most non talked about free agent in this upcoming summer. So that would make Bargnani the new Center, which might be good. He'll face bigger guys that will toughen him up because he is just so soft. So who is going to guard him on the perimeter? "Nobody" Let Gay do whatever he wants on the wing because he simply can. Im sure some may or may not agree but that is my opinion so let me hear what you guys would do!!!