Monday, May 10, 2010

" Free Yourself "

Who has these Nike Free 5.0? Everyone should!! By far these are the most comfortable shoes on the planet and at around $120ca the price ain't too bad either.  If you ever plan on walking around the mall with your gf/wife which im sure most guys don't, then these are the shoes to walk in. I've been preaching to my pregnant girlfriend for awhile about how much she'll enjoy these shoes because she's always complaining about how her feet hurt since she's 8 months pregnant. So on the weekend we took a road trip to Michigan and she finally got them!! Oh how the complaints stop once these were on her feet, followed by a few I told you so from myself.
Anyways more on the shoes. So this is what Nike tell us "not only strength-trains your legs and feet by imitating barefoot movement, it maximizes your cushioning, support and multi-surface traction." For the rest of the info please visit As I walk around in the Free 5.0 I absoultly feel exactly that "Free" it makes you feel like your walking around on clouds, your feet feel no contact with the ground just your feet and the free-ness of your path, whatever that meant. LOL..I'm so high in these shoes and I guarantee you will too just ask my girlfriend. I am a sneaker head who just collects, but after my second pair of Free 5.0 I think I will be collecting them as if they were Jordan's, I cant believe I just said that!!! Once again everyone Free yourself and go get at least 1 pair you wont regret it!!
Oh yea they also have the Nike free 7.0 which are the same but just different design. Both 5.0 and 7.0 come in many colours so chose 1 or chose all!!!!As always comments are welcome!! Enjoy your Frees!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Oh yes shoes shoes shoes...I think anyone who plays basketball has at least 1 pair of Jordan's, well I have them all. May sound like I'm bragging but who wouldnt. This has to be the best shoe collection ever and I'm sure there are people whom may have the same collection, and I'm just glad I'am one of them!! I remember driving to Michigan to buy the DMP package I went to every store and they were all sold out, I did eventually find it but it wasn't in my size, I bought it anyway with no intentions on wearing them. At the time I had no idea what I was going to do with all these shoes but now that I'm having a baby boy these shoes, will serve its purpose!! To all the Jordan freaks we craZzzYyyY!!!


" Why oh Why "

Lets talk about this man they call Vinsanity. Almost every Raptors fan hates him, why simply because he didn't feel like playing his best due to his unhappiness. Lets look carefully at this situation, first of all VC is the only reason Toronto Raptors are who they are, not Bosh. He provided them with highlights every night, arguably the best dunker all time, and he also brought them deep in the playoffs. Yea sure they've won a division title without him but what else did they do. How many times have they missed the playoffs and even when they were in the playoffs they weren't even close to making it to the second round. So many things can be said about VC being hated but everyone tends to forget all the good things he has done. Sometimes I feel like I'm speaking as a fan of VC, which I'am but reality is that VC did great things for our city whether we admit it or not. Maybe the management should have listened to Vince when he shared his opinions when the management was deciding on what type of players or staff to bring in. He was their "franchise" player but it was obvious he was not treated like that. Look at all the franchise players around the league they all have a say in who comes in and who goes out. Management doesn't have to agree but they certainly listen to show respect for that player. How many people go to work and tell themselves how much they hate their job? How many of those people actually work to the best of their ability knowing how much they hate it? I"m probably sure not many and who would work so hard when the enjoyment is not even there. Yea we all can say that he's a professional, he gets paid millions and he owes it to the fans/organization, but in reality he owes no one but himself. We are all professionals at work, we all get paid and we all owe it to somebody. I go out to watch him when he comes to play in Toronto and the Air Canada Center is always completely sold out. The atmosphere is insane, playoff type, nothing but hate n boo's. For a man who is hated so much by the fans they sure love to buy tickets just to boo him. As a big fan of Vince i don't think he will ever resurrect. As always let me know how you feel about VC!!!
Oh yea and who in the league can or dares to do the dunks he does in a game especially with guys in the lane. " NOBODY "Enjoy the Video!!!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

" Bosh or no Bosh "

Here we go Chris Bosh "CB4" should he stay or should he go? that is the question. My answer "YES". Dont get me wrong Bosh is SiKK but he's not for the Raps. My reason is simply this, look at what he's wearing!! HaaHaha, honestly he doesnt fit what Colangelo is obviously trying to do. Colangelo has been proven to bring in uptempo minded players, players who like to push n push, guys who are capable to run the floor n make quick baskets ex. nash, marion, bargnani, jack,weems, derozan n some may disagree but turk who is capable but was a huge flop this season. Those are some of his recent/past acquisitions, Bosh is just a solid half court player. Set Bosh in the post n almost nobody in the league can hold him. With that said who could we get if we could get them? My suggestion is Rudy Gay!! he can and wants to run run run n Jack who was a great pick up, will be the new starting PG next year can and will push the tempo. Gay is probably the most non talked about free agent in this upcoming summer. So that would make Bargnani the new Center, which might be good. He'll face bigger guys that will toughen him up because he is just so soft. So who is going to guard him on the perimeter? "Nobody" Let Gay do whatever he wants on the wing because he simply can. Im sure some may or may not agree but that is my opinion so let me hear what you guys would do!!!